Getting to Know Berlin

Katherine Bollinger, International Internship Program (IIP): Berlin

My day typically starts around 7:30 when I first wake up. Most of the time, I have to be at work at 9:30, so I take a regional train that leaves at 8:59. After getting ready and eating breakfast, I leave around 8:30 to make it in time for my train. When taking the regional train, my commute to work is quick, only 15 minutes. If I take the S-Bahn, it takes about double that. I then get off at my stop, walk through the University of Potsdam Griebnitzsee Campus, and arrive at my host company. My typical work day can end as early as 3 or as late as 6:30. It all really depends on the amount of work that needs to get done or if there are any meetings happening. For lunch, my supervisors and I make our way over to the university to grab lunch at their dining hall. We then return and finish out the work day. Some days we get ice cream after and will sit out on top of the roof while talking about our plans for the rest of the week. Other times, I just head back home. After work, depending on how I feel, I may go out shopping for groceries or out for dinner. Some days, I will just relax, just stay in and read my book or watch a movie. On weekends, I try to spend a good portion of my day outside since most of my time during the week is spent in the office. On Saturdays, I usually try to find an interesting place to visit and go out. This could be anything from a new neighborhood I have not seen yet, a museum, or taking the train over to the soccer stadium to walk around. On Sundays, most places are closed here in Berlin, so I go out to one of the many flea markets. I look for unique items to pick up or things my sister back home might like. When it comes to budgeting and saving money here, I gave myself a budget before I came here. I planned out a weekly amount that gave me enough money for weekly groceries, dining out, an event such as museum tickets, an exhibition, or a stadium tour, and enough left over for a bit of shopping at a flea market. I usually did not spend it all, so I would just carry it over to the next week or spend it on a nice dinner.
